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PLEYEL Ignaz Joseph

Quartetto in D, B. 381


für Flöte (Violine), Violine, Viola und Violoncello

DM 1409/PA, St
Peter Erhart

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„This flute quartet, which may also be played as a string quartet, is an extremely accomplished work, full of invention and originality, with interesting, imaginative writing in the string accompaniment, and changes of texture throughout the piece. The work is not simply a vehicle for the virtuosity of the flute: there are plenty of virtuosic interjections from both violin and viola, resulting in cheerful competition with the solo flute. (…) The Adagio is an exquisite and tender ‘aria’, reminiscent of Konstanze’s aria ‘Traurigkeit’ from Mozart’s ‘Die Entführung’, and this links directly into the witty 3rd movement. In the final Rondo, Pleyel writes brilliantly for all four instruments and employs great variety of texture, with new ideas popping up at every turn, as one might find in a symphonic finale by Haydn. (…) The whole piece is imaginative, economic, stylish and utterly delightful, and I cannot wait to include it in a concert programme myself.” (Lisa Beznosiuk, THE CONSORT – Vol. 65/2009)