Tango apasionado für Violine (Violoncello) und Klavier (2001)
Fassung für Violine und Klavier: 03 285Fassung für Violoncello und Klavier: 03 831
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Inspired by hearing a Tango played by a pianist in a bar in Veracruz in 2000, Tristan Schulze wrote his own version for violin and piano. As with his trio pieces, this is well written with a subtle and improvisatory feel to the rhythm which is effective despite (or hypnotic because of) its repetition. The notes themselves are not difficult for anyone of grade 8 standard, yet this work has to be played in singing manner with the right inflection and with sensitivity to the small yet telling harmonic changes in the piano part. Julian Rachlin saw fit to use it as an encore in Vienna’s Musikverein. I would encourage others to do the same.
MUSIC TEACHER November 2006
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