Wiener Orgelmusik um 1650
Orgel solo
DM 1355
Erich Benedikt
Keine Medien vorhanden
(...) Sehr viel moderner gibt sich der Band mit Musik um 1650. Viele der Canzonen atmen den Geist venezianischer Doppelchörigkeit. Lagen- oder Manualwechsel tragen auf der Orgel sehr zur Lebendigkeit der Musik bei. Auch andere Werke wirken ungeheuer farbig. Erwähnt seien hier stellvertretend eine leidend-chromatische Canzona sowie eine mit avantgardistisch anmutenden Rückungen gespickte Sonate von Valentini, ein musikantisches Capriccio von Bertali sowie eine in bester süddeutscher Manier komponierte Partite sopra l’Aria des Stephansdomorganisten Ebner.
Roman Reichel, ARS ORGANI Heft 3, Sept. 2010
This volume completes Doblinger’s seven-part series of rarities from Viennese organ music repertoire over four centuries. Most of these works are connected with the Viennese court, and many are dedicated to the emperors of the period.
Twelve of the 18 pieces are by Ebner, Schmelzer and Valentini; they are all presented on two staves, though the modern performer may wish to add judicious pedals, and indeed has no other option in two Schmelzer sonatas. All are readily accessible to a moderate technique, though legato chording of the Valentini pieces will need care; several are relatively substantial and would serve well for recitals as well as for voluntaries.
The score is set out clearly and page turns are well placed. Editorial accidentals, ties and harmony infill are given in a few of the pieces, though there are no general or specific commentaries on editorial method. A helpful preface gives outline details of the composers, and the volume is completed with the specifications of two typical instruments of the period and facsimiles of the opening pages of two items – of which one, unattributed, is not included in the book.
"(...) The musical content covers a wide spectrum, from a light-hearted work by Kerll ('chatter of crickets') to magnificent Gabrielian inspired works such as the Sonata à 7 of Schmelzer. Along the way one may encounter rewarding and accomplished canzonas by Priuli and Valentini, and some lovely music by Ebner, including his beautiful Partite sopra L'Aria Favorita. (...) Appraising this new publication as a whole, performers will here find some pleasing and satisfying music that is rewarding to play...."
Gerald Gifford, THE CONSORT
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